Why Is It Bad to Dry Fire Airsoft Guns

Why Is It Bad to Dry Fire Airsoft Guns

An airsoft replica that dry fires when not loaded

Y'all have heard that dry out firing tin be bad for y'all gun because it may break it inside or you take probably already shot your gun dry and are request whether it is going to habiliment information technology down or is it just a myth. So, is it really that bad?

Dry firing will non immediately interruption your gun but, the excessive dry firing tin can lead to certain damage on inner parts of the gun. In long term it does hurt it but, you shall not exist worried well-nigh this and it is completely normal to dry fire in gild to make it certain that there are no BBs left within the gun afterward a match.

Therefore, you should sometimes dry fire simply, only when necessary and shall avoid doing information technology otherwise.

If you take other concerns regarding what may damage your airsoft gun, feel gratis to check my explanation in my other mail service where I also share tips on how to prolong an airsoft gun's life and protect information technology.

These guns are virtually affected past dry firing

Not all guns are affected by this equally, some are sensitive to dry firing and some are well-nigh resistant to it completely. I have created a list of such guns, then if you find your gun to be on the listing you know what to do.


They are pretty much okey when information technology comes to dealing with dry out firing. They are non sensitive like some other guns on the list, notwithstanding it is still non suggested to dry burn them ofttimes if yous want to preserve them.

I have only heard it once that someone has complained that their AEG started to malfunction after dry firing and that person also said that they dry fired for two days in a row, I guess that this explains some things.

Gas blowback guns (CO2 gas blowbacks are especially vulnerable)

Blowback guns are known to be sensitive considering they are manufactured out of many moving parts, this also makes them harder to maintain. Blowback pistols are most affected by this, especially the CO2 powered ones. I have barely heard of whatsoever other gun being and then sensitive to the dry firing than Blowback pistols.

Whenever I would check the reviews on some blowback pistols I would find at least one comment where someone complained about their pistol breaking after dry firing them after but a couple of days.

And so, overall gas blowbacks are the most afflicted guns and the amount of dry firing should exist reduced to minimum.

Gas Non-blowback guns

They are less sensitive than blowbacks and are more probable to survive some dry firing, however the excessive dry firing will all the same damage them.

Spring guns

They are sensitive to dry firing and you lot should be careful, it is not easy to dry burn down them accidentally though. Some spring guns like the ones with leather seals are usually more tolerant.

HPA guns

These guys are known to be almost bulletproof to everything, and then they are probably the least affected by the dry firing.

Bear in mind that all guns can be and shall be occasionally dry fired when information technology comes naturally, because it tin not exist skipped. It is not going to hurt your gun just do not overdo it.

What does dry out firing mean?

Shooting a gun that is not loaded with Bulletin board system is considered dry out firing. When shooting guns on empty yous interfere with its system and how it is meant to be used. This tin can lead to certain harm but, it does not mean that dry firing has to be bad, sometimes when testing or checking whether at that place are BBs left inside the gun is considered a skillful practise.

This is what can go incorrect if you keep doing it

Every bit mentioned before, doing it in small amounts and only when necessary can inappreciably destroy your gun no matters how sensitive information technology may exist just, if you go along doing information technology for fun ( shooting dry for hours just as you would if you used it correctly in a match or at a target practice, especially on automated), it is going to impact the inner machinery and interruption the gun.

Simply the inner parts like the cylinder and piston heads will get damaged.

How fast volition it happen and how serious it is, is very difficult to answer. We can only conclude that it will happen to some degree, sometimes it may completely break the gun and make information technology unusable and sometimes information technology will just add to the worn-out status.

A quick and curt brandish of the inner parts, come across how they collide with each other?

Why is information technology bad for your Airsoft gun, how does it piece of work?

When a gun is loaded with Bbs, it naturally produces resistance and when the piston causes the pressure inside the cylinder, it creates the force that needs to push button the BB out, however if the BB is missing so there is also less resistance and the generated forcefulness must yet be expelled, the result is that the piston caput slams against the cylinder head with that enhanced strength.

This is the short and general reply, all the same what happens inside of the guns depend on type of the gun, blowback guns behave differently than AEGs but the concept remains the aforementioned, inner colliding is not welcomed because it contributes to the article of clothing down of the gun.

The guns are created for i purpose only and that is to propel a bullet or a bb out of information technology. Such ammo is a role of the pattern, creates resistance and interacts with the inner parts, thus causing the system to work as intended.

Every unmarried inner part of the gun has its purpose and if removed the gun will beginning to malfunction, so the ammo (in this case the airsoft BBs) are simply some other office of the system of how the gun works.

The homo anatomy – gun anatomy example

Another example would be the physics of your own torso. If you kicking the ball with your foot multiple times, with the correct technique information technology volition not hurt, however if you kick the ball with the same intentional ability and someone removes the ball just a moment before you state your foot on information technology, you will miss the ball and there volition be no resistance that will counter the force that your leg generates. If you were not prepared for it you lot may break some ligaments.

Guns are resistant and will not pause immediately only it does not mean that they will work forever and cocky-regenerate themselves.

Everything has its lifespan so practise the airsoft guns, dry out firing tin can shorten it just like the cigarettes may shorten yours.

Do not dry out fire in the safe zone

Most players know this and care for their airsoft replicas every bit they would treat the real guns.

I always say that you lot should treat is as a real gun no matters what yous hear, this leads to the best practices and eliminates the odds of something terrible happening.

However, some people forget this and dry fire their guns in the safe zone anyways. I can not stress this enough, but do not dry burn in the safe zones! People relax and wear off their protective spectacles and masks considering they do not await that something may hit them.

Information technology may happen rarely, only it does happen from time to fourth dimension, some players take lost a molar or an middle because they or someone else did not treat their airsoft replicas accordingly.

I know that people like to relax and finish using their brains when thinking that they are in the condom zone so zilch bad tin can happen, simply airsoft guns come with great responsibility just like the real ones, the only difference is that the airsoft gun will not kill you, but surely may injure yous permanently.

Lock your gun, put it down and do not aim towards people. If you spot some new and inexperienced players tell them what the rules are and why they are there. Some people hear the rules, just do not comprehend their significance considering no one explained them why such rules exist and what the consequences may be.


You should non be worried about dry firing and should not be thinking about it, it should be a good do to dry fire but when testing the gun. Simply do not fire your gun unless it is loaded with Bulletin board system and you exercise not have any reason to practise otherwise anyways.

There are other more than important factors like the gun maintenance and ownership a quality gun that wont suspension in the offset place. Those are the things that you should consider more important, so if y'all have already dry shot your gun, run across does information technology still work? I bet it did not do whatever damage to information technology so just enjoy the game for the sake of fun and worry less about what could go incorrect!

Why Is It Bad to Dry Fire Airsoft Guns

Posted by: martinezyestoorse.blogspot.com

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